Mailing Address
Mission Skating Club PO BOX 3337 Mission BC V2V 4J5
If you have any questions regarding the Mission Skating Club, please fill in the form below and a member of our volunteer executive team will be happy to reply as soon as possible.
You can also email the President directly with any inquiries.
Send us a message
President: Annie Railton
Vice President: vacant
Past President: Veronica Hodgson
Treasurer: Galen Bellman
Secretary: Jessika Muir
DIRECTOR Registrar: Angela Schettle
DIRECTOR CanSkate Registrar: Jennifer Black
DIRECTOR Coach Liaison: Annie Railton
DIRECTOR Fundraising Chair: Kellyann Sankey
DIRECTOR Assessment Coordinator: Carlene La Hay
Special Achievement Chair: Carlene La Hay
DIRECTOR Publicity Chair: Vacant
Ice Chair: Annie Railton
Coach Representative: Shona Davies
Buy On Chair: Jordon Muir
Gala Chair: Vacant
Music Chair: Jordon Muir