Program Assistant Responsibilities
All Mission Skating Club skaters, private skaters or StarSkaters, who are registered, in good standing with Skate Canada, and have reached acceptable maturity and skating ability, are required to be a Program Assistant (PA) up to and including grade 11. A Program Assistant helps Coaches in our club with teaching a successful Canskate program.
PA’s are expected to commit to a schedule during Canskate session ice time. Being a PA is a rewarding experience for our private skaters, and lots of fun too! The accumulated hours that a PA assists the coaches is recorded by the PA Coordinator, and credits will go towards their following registration with the Mission Skating Club. These hours are also acceptable volunteer/ career hours that are needed for high school graduation.
More thorough information is available from the Program Assistant Coordinator. The more skaters, the fewer PA sessions each skater will be required to do per month. Please inquire; we appreciate your help!