AGM & Awards
December 9, 2015
2017 AGM & Awards
August 20, 2017Spring Skate!
We will be accepting Registration for SPRING CanSkatePre-School, CanSkate, CanPowerSkate, as well as GroupStarSkate (must have coach pre-approval) & PrivateStarSkate (coach required) on March 6th 3:00pm- 7:00pm and March 7th 3:00pm -6:00pm at the Mission Leisure Center.
Registration & Release Forms, Schedule with Fees and the Volunteer Form are listed under registration. A signed Release Form must accompany every Registration. The Volunteer Form must be completed and accompany the Registration Forms for Private StarSkate participants. Registration will not be accepted until all accompanying Forms, Payments & Bonds are handed in. No one will be allowed access to the ice until registration is complete. Please Bring Cheques!!
If you have questions or the registration date does not comply with your schedule please fill out the contact form by clicking here and an executive member will be happy to help you.